If you are looking for a complete list of the best tools for analyzing Reddit users, here is our tested recommendations for you!

If you are researching and analyzing a user, or an influencer on Reddit, you want to use a tool that can:
- Provide the most detailed information of the targeted Redditors.
- Figure out the user activities, sentiments, and more.
- Find incluencers on Reddit.
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Best Reddit User Analysis Tools

1. redditmetis
Redditmetis is not really a well-known tool but it is definitely one of the best whenever it comes to analyzing Redditors.
Just type in the username of the Redditor you want to analyze and gives the tool a few seconds to do the job, you will be able to get a ton of information, making it a super unique tool!
- Post and Comment Setiment Analysis.
- Submission & Activity Patterns.
- Best subreddits, best posts, best comments.
- Interested types of content and the most used words.
- Writing skills, wholesomeness meter, etc.
The detailed information gives you the clearest picture of the user you want to analyze. From there, you can find the best possible strategies for your marketing project.

2. Reddit User Analyser
reddit-user-analyser is a new tool with stunning design, but especially, it is super helpful.
The website design is very simply, you just have to enter the username of the Redditor you want to stalk, and the tool will give you a ton of interesting information:
- User basic stats: Posts, comments, karma ratio.
- Kindness Meter and Text readability.
- The top subreddits where the user is active the most.
- Most frequently used words
- Comment/submission activity over time
- Best comments/posts and worst comments/posts.
- And a lot more data!

3. KarmaLB
Just like its name, Karmalb is the leaderboard of karma, displaying the best Redditors. It’s kinda similar to redditlist as we mentioned in our Subreddit Tools List, as it focuses entirely on users instead of subreddits.
You will have a general idea regarding the top x users at the moment who have the most karma, activity, link karma, comment karma, their karma historical karma, and more!
This is a very helpful tool for finding some great influencers in your niche.
Hopefully, our list above is enough for you to start analyzing any targeted Redditor as well as to find the best influencers that fit your projects.
If you are new to Reddit marketing, check out our Reddit Marketing Guide as well.
Also, don’t hesitate to comment down below if you need any help regarding using Reddit. We will do our best to help you out, for sure.