100 WYR Questions to Ask in r/WouldYouRather

Similar to r/AskReddit, r/WouldYouRather is an interesting place for people on Reddit to ask others about different “would you rather questions”.

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Best Would You Rather Questions to Ask in r/WouldYouRather

  1. Would you rather be able to speak with animals, but no one believes you or be the only one who can’t understand any language?
  2. Would you rather have the power to time travel, but can only go to the future or go back to the past but not return to the present?
  3. Would you rather be stuck in a video game, but you get to choose which one or stuck in a movie, but you get to choose which character you play?
  4. Would you rather be able to shape-shift into any animal, but you lose your memory every time you transform or have the power to fly but be terrified of heights?
  5. Would you rather always feel like you’re falling, or always feel like you’re spinning uncontrollably?
  6. Would you rather be able to see through walls, but only when there’s no one in the room or have the power to become invisible, but only for 10 seconds at a time?
  7. Would you rather live in a world where everything is in black and white or a world where everything is too bright to see?
  8. Would you rather always have to tell the truth or always have to keep a secret, even if it’s harmful?
  9. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater, but you can never leave the water or have the power to control the elements, but only during a thunderstorm?
  10. Would you rather be able to control your dreams, but you can never remember them when you wake up or have to relive your worst nightmare every night before you sleep?
  11. Would you rather have a personal assistant who can read your mind, but you can’t control what they do with the information or have a clone of yourself that always agrees with you, but is always one step behind?
  12. Would you rather be able to talk to ghosts, but they can only communicate in riddles or have the power to levitate, but only 1 inch off the ground?
  13. Would you rather be stuck in a room full of spiders or a room full of snakes?
  14. Would you rather always feel hungry, but never be able to eat or always feel full, but never be able to eat again?
  15. Would you rather have the power to bring inanimate objects to life, but they hate you or have the power to control people’s dreams, but they know it’s you?
  16. Would you rather be able to understand every language, but only speak in gibberish or have the power to teleport, but always end up in a random place?
  17. Would you rather have the power to stop time, but you age twice as fast or have the power to travel through time, but every time you do, your closest friend disappears?
  18. Would you rather be able to control fire, but you’re always cold or be able to control water, but you’re always thirsty?
  19. Would you rather live in a world without music or a world without laughter?
  20. Would you rather have the ability to read minds, but you can never turn it off or have the power to talk to animals, but they can only talk about their problems?
  21. Would you rather be able to travel anywhere in the world for free, but only on a bus or be able to fly anywhere in the world, but only for 30 seconds at a time?
  22. Would you rather have the ability to time travel, but every time you do, you change a random event in history or have the power to control the weather, but only in one small area?
  23. Would you rather be able to communicate with plants, but they’re all afraid of you or have the power to turn invisible, but only when someone is watching you?
  24. Would you rather have the power to control minds, but you can’t control your own thoughts or be able to change your appearance, but you can never change back?
  25. Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently, but every time you do, you forget a random memory or have the power to fly, but every time you do, you become invisible?
  26. Would you rather be able to create any food out of thin air, but it always tastes terrible or have the power to read people’s emotions, but it always overwhelms you?
  27. Would you rather be able to teleport, but every time you do, a random object disappears or be able to breathe underwater, but every time you do, you get a random allergy?
  28. Would you rather have the ability to control the size of anything, but it always backfires or have the power to talk to ghosts, but they all try to possess you?
  29. Would you rather be able to transform into any animal, but you can’t control it or have the power to heal anyone, but it always takes a year off your own life?
  30. Would you rather live in a world where you’re the only one who can see color or a world where you’re the only one who can’t see color?
  31. Would you rather have to eat only spicy food for the rest of your life or only eat bland food?
  32. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals, but they all talk like Gilbert Gottfried or be able to fly, but you can only fly backwards?
  33. Would you rather have to walk around with a permanent “kick me” sign on your back or a permanent “I’m with stupid” sign pointing at you?
  34. Would you rather have the power to become invisible, but only when no one is looking or have the power to teleport, but every time you do, you end up in a random location?
  35. Would you rather be able to speak every language fluently, but you can only communicate through interpretive dance or be able to read people’s thoughts, but they are always about mundane things like grocery lists?
  36. Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
  37. Would you rather be able to turn invisible, but your clothes stay visible or be able to fly, but you have to wear a tutu and a tiara?
  38. Would you rather have the ability to teleport to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave a trail of glitter behind you or have the ability to talk to plants, but they all insult you?
  39. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or permanent clown makeup?
  40. Would you rather have the power to time travel, but you can only go to the past and you can’t change anything or have the power to read minds, but you can’t turn it off?
  41. Would you rather have the power to control time, but you age twice as fast or have the power of telekinesis, but it only works on objects that weigh less than a pound?
  42. Would you rather be able to communicate with ghosts, but they are all annoying pranksters or be able to talk to animals, but they all speak in riddles?
  43. Would you rather have the ability to travel to any parallel universe, but you can’t come back or have the ability to change your hair color at will, but it only lasts for an hour?
  44. Would you rather have the power to shapeshift into any animal, but you can only stay in that form for an hour or have the power to control the elements, but you can only control one at a time?
  45. Would you rather have the ability to create anything you want out of thin air, but each creation only lasts for a day or have the ability to read minds, but you can only do it when you’re drunk?
  46. Would you rather have the power to stop time, but it only works for ten seconds at a time or have the power to see the future, but only in dreams?
  47. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater, but every time you do, you turn into a fish for an hour or have the ability to fly, but you have to do it naked?
  48. Would you rather have the power to control technology, but every time you use it, your phone explodes or have the power to turn invisible, but you can’t control when it happens?
  49. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible, but your voice still remains audible or have the power to teleport, but every time you do, you lose a piece of clothing?
  50. Would you rather have the power to speak any language fluently, but you can only communicate in song or have the power to talk to plants, but they all hate you?
  51. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere, but every time you do, a random object in your house disappears or have the power to control animals, but only insects?
  52. Would you rather have the power to heal any injury or illness, but you lose a day of your life every time you use it or have the power to fly, but you can’t go higher than 3 feet off the ground?
  53. Would you rather be able to control the weather, but every time you do, it affects the entire planet or have the power to shapeshift into any person, but you can only do it once a year?
  54. Would you rather have the power to talk to ghosts, but they can possess you or have the ability to read people’s minds, but you can’t turn it off and you hear every thought at the same time?
  55. Would you rather have the power to create illusions, but every time you do, you lose a memory or have the power to time travel, but you can only go back in time to relive embarrassing moments?
  56. Would you rather have the ability to summon any object you want, but it comes out of your nose or have the power to become invisible, but you can’t control when it wears off?
  57. Would you rather have the power to fly, but you can only fly backwards or have the power to talk to animals, but they all have a lisp?
  58. Would you rather have the ability to make people fall in love with you, but you can never fall in love or have the power to control fire, but it makes you smell like burnt toast?
  59. Would you rather have the power to make plants grow at an incredible rate, but they always turn out to be poisonous or have the ability to shape shift into any object, but you can only hold the shape for 10 seconds?
  60. Would you rather have the power to read people’s minds, but you have to speak everything you read out loud or have the power to control the elements, but every time you use it, a random object in your house explodes?
  61. Would you rather have the ability to become invisible, but your clothes always remain visible or have the power to talk to ghosts, but every time you do, you lose a little bit of your soul?
  62. Would you rather have the power to teleport anywhere, but you always arrive 10 minutes late or have the ability to talk to animals, but they can’t understand you?
  63. Would you rather have the power to control people’s emotions, but you feel the emotions as well or have the power to talk to animals, but they all speak in different accents?
  64. Would you rather have the ability to create a clone of yourself, but the clone is evil or have the power to fly, but only backwards?
  65. Would you rather have the power to summon a random person from history, but they are always angry or have the power to turn invisible, but you can’t see while you’re invisible?
  66. Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater, but every time you do, you turn blue for a day or have the power to control fire, but it always makes you sneeze?
  67. Would you rather have the power to control metal, but it makes you incredibly magnetic or have the power to talk to plants, but they all have terrible grammar?
  68. Would you rather have the ability to summon any animal to do your bidding, but they all hate you or have the power to make yourself intangible, but it gives you terrible indigestion?
  69. Would you rather have the power to control gravity, but it causes everything within a mile radius to float or have the power to talk to animals, but you have to bark or meow to communicate with them?
  70. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible, but you can only do it while standing still or have the power to shape shift into any object, but you become the size of the object?
  71. Would you rather have the power to control people’s dreams, but it causes you to have nightmares or have the power to summon any object you want, but it always appears in someone else’s possession?
  72. Would you rather have the ability to read people’s thoughts, but you can only hear their deepest, darkest secrets or have the power to teleport, but it makes you vomit uncontrollably every time you use it?
  73. Would you rather have the power to control insects, but they always swarm you or have the power to talk to ghosts, but they can only communicate through charades?
  74. Would you rather have the ability to make any food taste amazing, but it makes you temporarily blind or have the power to talk to animals, but they all have terrible gossip?
  75. Would you rather have the power to control electricity, but it makes your hair stand on end or have the power to shapeshift into any animal, but you can only do it while in water?
  76. Would you rather have the ability to summon any historical figure to give you advice, but they’re always wrong or have the power to fly, but it only works while you’re screaming?

While these WYR questions are fun to post on Reddit, you can use them in your in real life activities too like hanging out with your friends or in the weekend parties.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to comment down below and make us all laugh!

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