Hi, if you are lucky enough to grab some Reddit Collectible Avatar and are looking for the steps to sell them on OpenSea, take a look at our detailed instruction in this page.

How to Load Reddit Collectible Avatar on OpenSea
- Open the Reddit app on your phone. If you don’t have one, do it now.
- Log into your account.
- Tap on your avatar icon (Top Right).
- Open Style Avatar button.
- Go to the tab You.
- Go to Your Stuff section.
- There is a small coin icon located on the right, click on it then choose Recovery Phrase.
- You will receive a set of Recovery Phrase like the screenshot below. They are for accessing to your own Reddit Vault on the blockchain of Polygon, where your Avatar is located. Copy and save the list of words somewhere else, we will use it in the next steps.

- Install MetaMask on your browser, currently supporting Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, and Opera. There is app mobile as well.
- After installing, when you first launch it, choose “No, I already have a Secret Recovery Phrase”
- Enter 12 words you got from the step 8 to load your Reddit vault of the avatar. Create MetaMask password when asked.
- Click at the MetaMask icon on the browser taskbar, then choose Ethereum Mainnet, a menu will dropdown, press Add Network.

- Add Polygon (the blockchain where the Reddit avatars are based on) to your Meta Mask using the following information:
Network Name: Polygon
New RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com/
Chain ID: 137
Currency Symbol: MATIC
Block explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com/
- Then press Save:

- Change the current MetaMask network from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon by clickat at MetaMask icon, then choose Ethereum Mainnet, then select Polygon:

- Go to opensea.io, click at the profile icon on the top right, then choose connect with MetaMask.
- Accept the permission if asked.
- You now can see your avatar available under your Opensea account profile.
How to Sell Reddit Collectible Avatar on OpenSea (NFT)
After successfully loading your avatar on OpenSea, it is now straightforward to sell it.
- Under your OpenSea profile account, you will be able to see all of your items. If you cannot find your Reddit avatar there, go to the “Hidden” section: https://opensea.io/account?tab=private
- Select the Reddit avatar you want to sell, then press SELL button at the top right. Make sure you have a bit of ETH/MATIC in your account to accept the contract.

You can also accept offers from the other people if there is any:

- After selling successfully, you will receive WETH. To transfer from WETH to ETH, go to https://wallet.polygon.technology/bridge/
- Connect it with your MetaMask account, then select the amount of ETH you want to convert, then press Transfer. Wait for a few hours and your WETH will be transferred to ETH (normally it takes only a few minutes).

The converted ETH will be moved to your MetaMask Ethereum wallet.
That’s it.
Reddit Collectible Avatars FAQ
What are Collectible avatars?
Limited-edition Reddit avatars called Collectible Avatars provide its owners special privileges on the Reddit network. Independent creators worked with Reddit to create The Creator Collection. They run on the Polygon blockchain using non-fungible tokens (NFTs), therefore you’ll need a Vault (your Reddit account’s digital wallet) to keep them.
You acquire ownership of a Collectible Avatar after you pay for it. Therefore, you have all of the rights to use, trade, and sell your Reddit Avatar.
Where is The Collectible Avatar Shop?
You may find and buy Collectible Avatars made by various creators at The Collectible Avatars Shop. From the store, you may look through the items that are offered, discover more about the artists and producers, and set up your Reddit Vault to begin your collection.

Go to the Style Avatar sections by selecting your avatar on the top right of the screen, and then select Shop to access the store.
What exactly do I own? Can I offer my collectible avatar for sale as an NFT?
What you actually “own” is a collection of rights, including the ability to access specialty avatar effects when using the avatar art linked with your Collectible Avatar as your Reddit avatar both on and off the site.
Reddit and other licensors, including the creators, have granted you a license to use these rights. If you sell or transfer your Collectible Avatar to another person, you can grant that person the right to use, reproduce, and display the avatar art for their own personal use. Collectible avatars can be sold on multiple markets, including OpenSea as we shown in the guide above.
What is an NFT and how can I transfer my collectible avatars?
Your Collectible Avatar can be moved to a different Reddit account or to an external third-party cryptocurrency wallet.
Why can’t I see my Collectible Avatar card’s backdrop in the avatar builder?
Background cards do not yet show up in the normal avatar builder as a separate accessory.
Only the other accessories that are a component of that specific Collectible Avatar are what they are linked to instead.
How do I view my Collectible Avatar’s details when I buy one?
Go to your Reddit profile, then tapping you your avatar, you will see the details of a particular Collectible Avatar! Here, you can read all of the interesting stories behind the avatar.

Why are my serial number and token ID numbers different?
Our serial numbers and token IDs don’t match exactly. Our serial numbers are indexed as 1, whereas token IDs are indexed as 0. Your token ID will be 39 if your serial number is 40, for instance.